Tuesday 9 June 2009

The Pain!


It's something that's struck fear into many of us in the gaming community. We like to mock those who contract the fatal condition, but secretly morn the (temporary) death of the 360 in question.

And now, after 3 glorious years, those dreaded red rings crept their way into my xbox and into the led's on the front of the machine.

It is at that point, at which you understand the pain that those who had suffered this fate had felt, and you, you with your plastic box, nay, brick, cry a cry of pain, of the grim reaper tapping you on the shoulder.

And I know, you can send it off in it's coffin to be resurrected; but the cost? £78.00. That's right seventy eight pounds for a "General Hardware Error," that's seven thousand, eight hundred pence for a problem that is the fault of those folks in Redmond.

All I can do now is send this heap off, because fallout 3 can't play itself without a machine!
Seriously, I'd just bought broken steel! I guess the joke's on me for trusting microsoft.

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